
Be a Mortgage Brokers

A mortgage broker operates independently from lenders. An experienced broker with a wide range of lender contacts may also be able to offer you a better deal than those currently available on the market.

Besides assisting you in your search for a suitable home loan, a mortgage broker also guides you through the application process. A mortgage broker can:

  • Evaluate your financial situation and identify your loan requirements
  • Help you compare loans using specific methodology and criteria
  • Provide you with an accurate comparison rate of the actual cost of a loan

A home loan broker can help you decide which home loans cater to your specific needs, and a local broker will be able to connect you with lenders popular in your area. Access to a home loan broker’s expert advice and industry experience is also free, as most brokers do not charge borrowers for their services.

Fees we charge – As low as $5K (includes for training, PI & Software support)
Training we provide – Induction & AFG Flex
Services we offer – From inviting on board to the writing loans & compliance thereof

La Verne Capital T/as SMSF PRO AFSL License Number 482 937 and ABN : 20 609 554 485